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Great Scholars Who Have Been Single


Great Scholars Who Have Been Single

In this part, there are several great scholars who are very familiar in Islamic literature. One of them is interpretation. After all, these scholars are very influential scholars in Islamic studies. At least, we can take lessons from their seriousness and enthusiasm to continue to gain knowledge and work, not to increase rupiah coffers and add wives (polygamy). The following are the names of these great scholars:

- Bisyrul Hafi al-Marwazi

He was a Muhaddis imam and an ascetic who was born in 150 AH. He migrated to the city of Baghdad to study with religious leaders there, such as Abdullah bin Mubarak, Malik bin Anas and Fudhail bin Iyadh.

Imam Ahmad bin Hambal's teacher was one of the most intelligent scholars of his time. At first he was a muhaddis who was very conscientious in his field, then he turned into an ascetic Sufi and stopped narrating hadith.

When Ahmad bin Hambal was asked about zuhud he felt unable to answer it. He said that the only person who deserved to answer him was his teacher, Bisyrul Hafi.

He died in the year 227 H. Imam Daruqutni commented that Bisyr was an ascetic scholar who only narrated authentic hadith.

- Hannad bin As-Sary

Hannad was a huffadz and teacher in Kufah. His full name is Hannad bin as-Sary at-Taimy ad-Darimy. He is the teacher of most scholars of hadith, even Imam Bukhari narrated hadith from him in the book Khalqu Af'alil Ibad.

He used his daily life to worship. As told by Ahmad bin Salamah an-Naisaburi that Hannad is a person who often cries. In the morning after teaching, he performed the sunnah prayer until dawn. Then the Sunnah prayer again until Asr. After that he recited Al-Quran until sunset.

One of his neighbors once told him that what Ahmad bin Salamah disclosed was an activity he had been doing for 70 years. Imagine, if during the day the religious activities are like that, how about the night activities? He wrote a big book about zuhud. He was born in 152 H and died in 243 H.

- Ibn Jarir at-Tabari

As a reader of tafsir literature, of course the reader will be very familiar with this name. He is a great imam of tafsir, muhaddis, fiqh, ushul fiqh, thinker, historian, linguistics expert: nahwu, arudh, literature, poetry, and an absolute mujtahid.

He is the author of the famous Jamiul Bayan an Wujuhut Ta'wil an Ayyil Quran commentary and the historical book Tarikhur Rasul wal Anbiya' wal Muluk wal Umam . His full name is Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Jarir at-Thabari. He was born in the land of Amul Thabaristan in the year 224 H. He memorized the Al-Quran at the age of seven and wrote the book of hadith at the age of nine and at the age of twelve began to study knowledge. He traveled around from Khurasab, Iraq, Syria and Egypt. He was called Imam when he was young.

- Abu Bakar bin Al-Anbari

He was born in the year 271 H and died in the year 328 H. He was an expert in tafsir, an expert in nahwu and muhaddis . His full name is Muhammad bin al-Qasim bin Muhammad al-Anbari al-Baghdadi.

He is used to not eating good food and is very careful with women. He did that to take care of his time so that he would always be with knowledge. Even until he died, he did not have a single descendant except for his thirty works.

He is a person who is an expert in the field of literature and interpretation of the Quran. It is even said that he has memorized 120 interpretations along with their sanads.

- Abu Ali al-Farisi

His full name is Hasan Abu Ali bin Ahmad al-Farisi al-Fasawi. He was born in Persia in the year 288 H. Then he went to Baghdad to study there in 307 H. Then he traveled to other countries to continue his studies. One of them is Syam.

During his life he learned a lot from the scholars, taught and answered religious problems. In fact, he collected those questions in a book that was named according to its place. Such as al-Baghdadiyat, which is a book that contains answers to the questions of the people of Baghdad, al-Basriyat, al-Halbiyat, as-Syiraziyat and others.

He lived for ninety years and spent much of his life studying and creating. His works are from various fields, one of which is the Science of the Quran and the science of the Arabic language. He is not married and has no children. His children are only works that reached 25 books and reached our hands until now. Among them, al-Hujjah fi Ilalil Qiraah as-Sab'u, Jawahirun Nahwu. Al-Idhah fin Nahwu, Sharh Abyatil Idhah and so on.

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