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Important Events Behind the Holy Blessing of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Important Events Behind the Holy Blessing of the Holy Month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is the month that millions of Muslims around the world look forward to. Because in this month, the reward menu is served multiple times. "Ramadan is the month of my people" said the Prophet. In addition, there are many historical events that we need to know behind this month. And we should turn those events back so that Muslims can learn and take lessons from what happened in this month.

First is the event of Nuzulul Quran (the revelation of the Quran). In Surat al-Baqarah verse 185 it is clearly explained that the Qur'an was revealed in the month of Ramadan until it was called Syahrul Qur'an. However, scholars differ in their opinion regarding the date of the revelation of the Quran in the month of Ramadan. The popular opinion is that the 5 verses were first revealed in the cave of Hira' through the angel Gabriel on the 17th of Ramadhan. The revelation of the first verse to the Messenger of God SAW is also the appointment of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to be the Messenger of God.

Second is the event of Lailatul Qadr. Lailatul Qadr is a term used to commemorate the night in which the Qur'an was revealed directly from Allah swt in the entirety of Baitul Izzah (a kind of divinity chamber ) which was then gradually brought by Gabriel to the Prophet SAW. That night was a glorious night, a night full of blessings that cannot be doubted. Because Allah swt himself mentions it in surat ad-Dukhan verse 3.

The third is the Battle of Badr. The war between the Muslims and the Quraysh infidels took place in the middle of the month of Ramadan, precisely the 17th of Ramadan. Badar, which is located approximately 145 km north-west from the city of Madinah al-Munawwarah, is a witness to the faith and piety of the companions so that through it God brings His help to them. Badar witnessed a battle between the Muslims and the polytheists who had 3 times their strength, 313 fighters from Badar, with 600 horses and 700 camels.

Fourth is the death of Rasulullah SAW's daughter, Sayyidah Fatima Az-Zahra. The death of the holy and great woman, known as Umm Abiha. Yes, Fatimah az-Zahra died on Tuesday, the 3rd of Ramadan 11 H at the age of 28. When she died, Fatimah left Hasan who was 7 years old, Husain who was 6 years old, Zainab 5 years old and Ummi Kulthum who had just turned 3 years old. Aisyah RA recounted the moments before Fatimah died, "Fatimah died 6 months after her father, Rasulullah saw, died, to be precise on Tuesday, 3 Ramadhan 11 H. Fatimah died at the age of 28 years."

The fifth is the death of the Prophet's daughter, Sayyidah Ruqayyah. Ruqayyah died at the same time as the battle of Badr. This is what caused Sayyidina Uthman bin Affan RA not to participate in the battle of Badr because he cared for his wife, even after he got permission from the Messenger of Allah. Daughter of the Prophet SAW. He died right when Zaid bin Haritsah delivered the good news about the victory of the Muslims in the battle of Badr. Ruqayyah died at the age of 22. His remains were buried in the Baqi' al-Gharqad cemetery, Medina.

Sixth is the death of ummul mukminin, Sayyidah Khadijah Kubro. Ummul Mu'minin, Sayyidah Khadijah died on the 10th of Ramadan in the 10th year of prophethood or 3 years before the migration to Medina or 619 AD. After the end of the Quraish boycott against the Muslims, Sayyidah Khadija then fell ill. Day by day his health condition is getting worse. He was buried on the plateau of Mecca known as Al-Hajun or called Jannatul Ma'la (ma'la's burial). That year, the Prophet was abandoned by his beloved uncle, Abu Talib, so that year was called ' amaul huzni (year of sadness).

The seventh is the death of Ummul Mu'minin, Sayyidah Aisyah. It turns out that on the 17th of Ramadhan, in addition to the first time the Quran was revealed, there was the Battle of Badr, and the death of Ummul Mu'minin also occurred on the night of the 17th of Ramadhan. At that time Sayyidah Aisyah was already 67 years old. He fell ill in Ramadhan 58 AH. Ummul Mukminin Aisyah bint Abu Bakar ash-Shidiq RA died in 58 AH, the night of the 17th of Ramadhan after witr prayer, which coincided with June 678 AD. All Muslims at that time were very sad. She is the figure of the wife who is closest to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and who knows the most about the life and example of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Eighth is the death of Sayyidina Ali Karramallahu Wajhah. Sayyidina Ali Karramallahu wajhah was killed by Ibn Muljam, a Khawarij who conspired with 2 of his friends, al Burak bin Abdillah and Amru bin Abi Bakr at-Tamimi. Each of them vowed to kill Ali bin Abi Talib, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan and Amru bin Ash. They made a pact not to retreat or be killed. They agreed to do it on the 17th of Ramadan in 40 H. Then ibn Muljam headed for Kufah. There he started his plan by inviting two people who were hurt by the Nahrawan war. The three of them were ready to block Sayyidina Ali when he was about to wake up the people for the morning prayers. When Ibn Muljam slashed Sayyidina Ali, he said, “There is no law except that of Allah, not yours and not that of your friends, O Ali!

After Sayyidina Ali died, his two sons bathed his body with the help of Abdullah bin Ja'far. Then his body was prayed for by the eldest son, al-Hasan. His body was buried in Darul Imarah in Kufah, because of the Khawarij's fear that his tomb would be demolished. Narrated from Ja'far bin Muhammad ash-Sadiq, he said "Ali's remains were prayed for at night and buried in Kufah, the place is deliberately kept secret but it is certain that it is near the Imarah building (Presidential Palace)." [Tarikh Islam, Adz-Dzahabi, juz Khulafaur Rashidin page 650]

Ninth is the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. For Indonesian Muslims, the month of Ramadan is more than just special. Because the month of Ramadan witnessed the peak of history of the struggle for independence for the Indonesian people against the invaders. Starting from the formation of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence one day before the first night of the month of Ramadan, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were bombed which finally Japan surrendered unconditionally to the allies on August 15. Until then, on Friday, August 17, 1945, on the 9th of Ramadhan 1364 H, the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was held at Ir Sukarno's residence, Jl. Pegangsaan Timur 56. During the preparation period for independence, Ir. Sukarno asked for recommendations from several scholars such as KH. Hasyim Asy'ari who is the mu'assis (founder) of Nahdlatul Ulama.

It's not wrong for us to try to be humble in worship in this holy month where the feast of rewards is on a big sale. However, there is nothing wrong with us as Indonesian Muslims knowing what events are taking place in this glorious month. While studying and re-learning the history behind the incident, of course, it is accompanied by taking the wisdom behind it. Bung Karno said that a great nation is a nation that never forgets the history of its own people. Wallahu a'lam.


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