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Ways to Beware of the Generation of Ibn Muljam


Ways to Beware of the Generation of Ibn Muljam

Ali bin ABi Talib died as a martyr on the 21st of Ramadan as a result of being slashed by a sword from a member of the Khawarij sect named Abdurrahman bin Muljam Al Murodi during the dawn prayer on the 19th of Ramadan. Uniquely, the killer carried out his action while saying,

“The law belongs to Allah, O Ali. Not yours and your companions.”

It didn't stop there, while carrying out this immoral act, Ibn Muljam also did not stop repeating verse 207 of Surah Al Baqarah, which means,

“And among mankind there are those who sacrifice themselves to please Allah; and Allah is Forgiving to His servants.”

When the caliph Ali bin Abi Talib finally died, Ibn Muljam was executed by diqishas. The qishas process can also make us astonished because when his body was bound to be beheaded, he still had time to order the executioner who was given the task of carrying out the execution,

"Don't chop off my head all at once. But cut off my limbs bit by bit until I can witness my limbs being tortured in the way of Allah."

Such was the belief of Ibn Muljam who argued that killing Ali bin Abi Talib, who incidentally was one of the companions guaranteed to enter heaven, son-in-law (Sayyidah Fatimah's husband) and cousin of the Messenger of Allah and father of Hasan and Husein, two youth leaders of experts in heaven, as an act of worship for closer to God.

This action carried out by Ibnu Muljam is the bitter reality that we see in the life of the Muslim community today where among our youth there are groups that actively carry out provocations to kill innocent Muslims. This group uses intimidation and violence as their strategy of struggle. It is they who on their faces radiate guidance and they also always read the Qur'an during the day and night. But in fact they are a group of losers because their characteristics are exactly the same as the signal conveyed by the Prophet in a hadith which means,

“There will be men who recite the Qur'an without going beyond their collarbones. They have left religion like an arrow from a bow.”

Ignorance causes them to feel that they are struggling to defend the interests of the religion of Islam even though in essence they are fighting Islam and the Muslims.

Ibn Muljam is actually a pious, zahid and pious male figure. Not a bengal man who is completely blind to religious knowledge. On his face clearly visible traces of prostration. He also memorized the Qur'an and at the same time as a teacher who tried to encourage others to memorize it. 'Umar bin Khatthab once assigned him to Egypt to grant the request of 'Amr bin 'Ash who begged him to send to Egypt a figure who memorized the Qur'an to teach it to the people of Egypt. When 'Amr bin 'As asked,

"O amirulmukminin, send me a man who memorizes the Qur'an to teach the people of Egypt,"

'Umar replied, “I am sending for you a man named Abdurrahman bin Muljam, one of the experts in the Qur'an who I prioritize for you rather than for myself. If he has come to you then prepare a house for him to teach the Qur'an to the Muslims and glorify him…!.”

Even though Ibn Muljam memorized the Qur'an, was pious and diligent in worship, all of this was of no benefit to him. He died in a state of su'ul khatimah, did not carry faith and Islam due to the shallowness of his religious knowledge and was affiliated with the Khawarij sect which had poisoned Muslim youths so that they carried out actions that were contrary to the noble values ​​of Islam but instead claimed all that in order to defend the teachings of Allah and the Prophet.

Reflecting on the figure of Ibnu Muljam, of course we don't need to feel strange if now there are extreme groups that easily convict infidels against fellow Muslims who have different views on doing the exact same thing that was done by Ibn Muljam. They claim to be fighting to uphold the religion of Allah, but in fact, they spread fear among the Muslim community and create bloody internal conflicts that make it impossible to build unity among Muslims.

Therefore it is the joint task of the ulama and umaro' to fortify the Muslims in Indonesia from the destructive religious ideas developed by the generation after Abdurrahman bin Muljam and to try hard to deter anyone who wants to make Indonesia a fertile ground for the growth of khawarij groups. modern (Neo Khawarij) who are militant but poor in knowledge.

Wallahu A'lam.

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